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Library Policies

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Library Patron Policy

To allow all patrons of the Glen Cove Public Library to use its facilities to the fullest extent during regularly scheduled hours, the Library Board of Trustees has adopted the following rules and regulations:


  • Engage in activities associated with the use of a public library. Patrons not reading, studying, or using library materials may be required to leave the building and grounds.
  • Respect the rights of other patrons. Patrons shall not harass or annoy others through noisy or boisterous activities, by staring at another person with the intent to annoy that person, by following another person about the building with the intent to annoy that person, by playing audio equipment so that others can hear it, by singing or talking loudly to others or in monologues, or by behaving in a manner which can be reasonably expected to disturb others.


  • Consume food or beverages, smoke or use tobacco or tobacco products.
  • Be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Engage in any illegal activity while in the library building or on the library property.
  • Interfere with the use of the library by other patrons, or interfere with library employees’ performance of their duties.
  • Deface or mar library materials. Books, magazines, newspapers, recordings or other items of the library collection, nor shall they deface, mar or in any way destroy or damage library furnishings, walls, machines, or others property.
  • Enter the building without a shirt or shoes. Patrons must wear a covering of their upper bodies and shoes or other footwear. Patrons whose bodily hygiene is offensive so as to constitute a nuisance to other patrons may be required to leave the building and grounds.
  • Bring pets or animals into the library. (Other than guide dogs for the visually or hearing impaired). All dogs must have a current license.

Each patron shall be responsible for any fines, fees or other charges due in accordance with the library’s standard schedules. Failure to pay these fines will result in the suspension of borrowing privileges.

Any materials removed from the library must be checked out on a valid library card or through other standard library procedures such as interlibrary loan.

Any patron not abiding by these rules and regulations of the library may be required to leave the library premises and grounds. Library employees may contact the Glen Cove Police if deemed advisable.

Any patron who violates these rules and regulations may be denied the privilege of access to the library by the Library’s board of Trustees on the recommendation of the Library Director. A patron whose privileges have been denied may have the decision reviewed by the Board of Trustees.

Passed by a motion of the Board of Trustees, January 2001

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Policy on Unattended Children

Adopted by the Board of Trustees January 26, 1999

In order to provide for the general welfare of all persons using the library, and in order to provide for the general safety of children using the Library:

  • All children in Grade 2 and younger shall, at all times, be attended and adequately supervised by a responsible person – an adult or mature adolescent.
  • Children in Grades 3 through 6 may use the Children’s Library when unaccompanied, provided a responsible person remains in the Library building.
  • Parents, not Library staff, are responsible for children’s behavior in the library. Children deemed out of control or disruptive to other patrons will be asked to leave.
  • It is not the Library’s function to provide child care. The Library will contact the Glen Cove Police Department if children are left unattended in the library.
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Public Internet Usage Policy

Adopted by the Board of Trustees June 20, 2006

In view of the increased demand for Internet usage, the Glen Cove Public Library hereby reminds patrons of its policy for Internet usage, established by its Board of Trustees:

  • Internet terminals are for use by GLEN COVE PUBLIC LIBRARY CARD HOLDERS AND RESIDENTS, with these exceptions: non-residents may use the Internet with the permission of the librarian on duty, as local demand permits.
    1. Local residents will be given preference.
    2. All users must produce proper ID upon request.
  • User privileges include one hour daily (60 minutes) per patron, on a first-come, firstserved basis.
  • Only ONE seated person per terminal is permitted, except for parent and child. Groups of bystanders will be asked to disperse.
  • Printing is available at a cost of 10 cents per page. Patrons are responsible for costs resulting from printing commands sent. Please use the print preview command to check on the number of pages you are planning to print.
  • Users are asked to avoid all CHAT ROOMS, ARCADE TYPE GAMES, AND INSTANT MESSAGING sites, as they are likely to produce stalled terminals.
  • NO TAMPERING WITH SETTINGS, HARDWARE, SOFTWARE OR CONNECTIONS IS PERMITTED. If the terminal stalls, please notify the librarian. The Glen Cove Public Library reserves the right to remove the privilege of anyone who tampers with or damages the equipment or programs involved with Internet access.
  • PUBLIC DISPLAY OF OFFENSIVE SEXUAL MATERIAL IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. According to NYS Penal law #245.11, such display is a Class A misdemeanor. If you are discovered to be engaged in such display your Internet privileges will be revoked, and you may be asked to leave the Library.
  • The Glen Cove Public Library cannot be held responsible for the content, quality, currency or accuracy of data gathered from Internet sites accessed through the Library. Internet Web site creators are not regulated and thus are free to publish whatever material they choose, with the exception of copyrighted materials. As in the use of print media, users must obey United States Copyright and other applicable laws.
  • The Glen Cove Public Library cannot be held responsible for the Web site choice made by children. Parents, legal guardians or care givers are responsible for supervising their child’s Internet use.
  • Any damage caused to patron computers from downloaded computer viruses is not the responsibility of the Glen Cove Public Library. Users should install virus-checking software onto their home computers in order to prevent computer damage by downloaded from the Internet.
  • Finally, the Glen Cove Public Library cannot be held responsible for any loss of privacy, fees incurred, and/or personal harm caused to patrons due to disclosing of personal information over the Internet. Users are warned not to give their names, telephone numbers, addresses, credit card numbers, or any other personal information out over the Internet, since it is not known who is receiving it and for what purpose it is being used. Patrons should exercise extreme caution before arranging meetings with strangers they contact over the Internet.
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Museum Pass Policy

Museum passes may be borrowed, free of charge, by Glen Cove residents, over 18 years of age, who have a Glen Cove Public Library card in good standing.

Reservations may be made online at the Library’s website, in-person or over the phone. The Library reserves the right to monitor usage to ensure fair access to the greatest number of patrons.

There is a limit of one pass per family.

Reservations may be made 30 days in advance.

If a reserved pass is not picked up by close of business on day one, the reservation is cancelled, and the pass becomes available for others to borrow.

Passes circulate for 2 days.

A fee of $10.00 per day will be charged to the borrower’s library account for passes held beyond the 2 day loan period.

Passes must be returned inside the Library at the Reference Desk.

Passes may not be returned in the book drop.

If a pass is lost, patron is responsible for the entire cost of the pass.

Borrowers are responsible to call the museum directly for hours of operation, parking or directions. The museum pass may not provide admission to all exhibits at the museum.

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