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Community Service Opportunities for Teens

Need community service hours?

Teen Advisory Board

From October through May, partner with other teens to work on community service projects, promoting Library services and helping Librarians develop teen programs. Participating in a TAB program earns 2 hours of community service. We welcome all Glen Cove students in grades 6-12 to join the Teen Advisory Board. All students must have a Glen Cove Public Library card.

Teen Book Reviews

Have you read a book recently that you liked or didn’t? Tell us about it and submit a book review. Book reviews should be 500 words and address character, plot, theme and what you learned about the book. A maximum of 5 reviews can be submitted during the school year and 4 reviews during the summer. Earn 2 hours of community service for each review submitted.

Movie Reviews

We want to hear what you’ve been watching! Watch a movie or a series based on a book and let us know if you liked it or not. All movie reviews should be rated PG-13 or under and address plot, theme, acting, directing, cinematography and special effects. A maximum of 5 reviews can be submitted during the school year and 4 reviews during the summer. Earn 2 hours of community service for each review submitted.

Database Reviews

Learn about the Library’s databases and submit a review. Earn 2 hours of community service for a 100 word review focusing on aspects such as ease of use, material and information. A maximum of 5 reviews can be submitted during the school year and 4 reviews during the summer. Click here for a list of databases.

Email all reviews to

Decorating Bookmarks

Use your creativity and decorate bookmarks that will be sent to patrons who are using the Homebound Delivery Service and earn 2 hours of community service. Pick up a packet in the Children’s Room. A maximum of one packet per school year.

Students are responsible for keeping track of their own hours and will be awarded by email only. The Library does not keep records of past community service.

Email or call us at 516-676-2130 if you have any questions.

The Glen Cove Public Library cannot issue community service credit to non-residents.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Winston Churchill