Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Glen Cove Public Library is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that was established in 1970 by a caring and dedicated group of people. They are the liaison between the Library and the community, serving the preschooler to the retiree, and are dedicated to supporting the activities and mission of the Glen Cove Public Library. The Friends strive to enrich the resources of the Library, as well as to express the public voice about its operation.
Some of their past accomplishments have been sponsoring lectures and concerts, the purchase of a piano for our Community room, book and author luncheons, new public use computers and the co-sponsorship of our ever-popular museum pass program.
Besides collecting membership dues, the Friends raise funds by selling items, including notepaper with reproductions of historic photographs of Glen Cove, and books including At Andersonville, a book written by Josiah C. Brownell, a resident of Glen Cove who was a prisoner at the Civil War prison, Andersonville. Click here for a complete list of items available for sale by The Friends of the Glen Cove Library.